Examples of item damage include (but are not limited to): Damage incurred while using items may result in the patron being held financially responsible. Patrons should return items to the Library in the same condition they were in when checked out. For additional details, contact the Library Billing Office. If replacements are allowed and the patron provides an acceptable replacement for the lost item, the replacement fee is generally waived. If a patron wishes to replace an item, they need to talk to the library that owns it first, in order to find out if that library will accept replacement copies and what their guidelines are. In some situations, patrons can purchase an exact copy of the lost item to serve as a replacement. If the item has been damaged, has already been replaced by the Library, or if the item was billed more than two years ago, the replacement amount will only be partially refunded or not at all. If a lost item is returned, the replacement fee is usually waived. Replacement charges for loanable technology vary.

The Library may assess a higher replacement cost in special instances. Replacement Feesįor lost items, the average replacement cost is a minimum of $125 per book and a minimum of $300 for bound periodicals. Loanable technology items are assumed lost if not returned within 10 days after the due date. Library items are assumed to be lost when they are overdue for an extended time (35 days for most items).

Hourly reserves are fined $5 for each hour, or any portion of an hour, overdue.
#Overdue library books registration#
If you are a student, unpaid library bills may also prevent your registration for classes, your graduation, or requests for transcripts. If you need assistance with the renewals, please contact us at library bills may block your borrowing privileges. If you have more than 35 overdue UIUC items, your library account will be blocked, and you will not be allowed to check out any UIUC items until you have renewed or returned enough items that you only have 35 or fewer overdue UIUC items. To avoid overdue notices, fines, and bills, please return or renew your materials before the due date, and return recalled items by the recall due date.